Wednesday Wellness: What Happens in VagusDr. Rachel and Dr. Annie talk about the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.To watch the video click HERE! #riseandshine #risewellnesschiro #wellaligned #eastowngr #uptowngr #risetogether #vagusnotvegas #parasympatheticnervoussystem #sympatheticnervoussystem #familychiro #pedschiro #activator #pregnancychiro
Dr. Rachel and Dr. Annie talk about the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.To watch the video click HERE! #riseandshine #risewellnesschiro #wellaligned #eastowngr #uptowngr #risetogether #vagusnotvegas #parasympatheticnervoussystem #sympatheticnervoussystem #familychiro #pedschiro #activator #pregnancychiro
Wednesday Wellness - You Have To Check Out This List of Side Effects From Pediatric Chiropractic: It May Not Be What You Think!